The Horseshoe – a bi-monthly newsletter featuring upcoming activities, concerts, social events, tours, silent movie shows with organ accompaniment, and more!
Voting Membership – vote in our annual Board of Directors election or hold office yourself.
Receive Member Discounts for concerts and events.
Open Console – Imagine getting to play a big theatre pipe organ. We hold open console sessions after many of our formal concerts.
Work Crews – if you like to "get your hands dirty", join one of our work crews and learn how to repair and keep theatre pipe organs playing.
Regular- Regular membership receives all the benefits above including voting privileges in NYTOS elections and other NYTOS matters and can run for a board position. All “Regular” members MUST also be active members of ATOS.
To join ATOS, visit atos.org/atos-membership
Friends of NYTOS- Friends of NYTOS membership receives all the benefits above, but no voting rights nor can run for a board position and does not require a ATOS membership.
Student- Students 6th grade to 12th grade and receives all the benefits above, but no voting rights nor can run for a board position and does not require the ATOS membership.
If you wish, you can provide an additional donation with your membership and apply it to a specific NYTOS project. All additional donations above membership could be a tax-deductible donation.
Printable PDF membership form is available